27 Mar 2024

Leaked water means wasted pumping and treatment energy.

In water & energy losses management, extracting maximum information benefits both operational as well as CIP strategies.

When a system loses water through leaks and breaks, that water is not exactly lost as such: it will go around the water cycle. What we really lose is the energy that was invested in abstracting it, treating it and pumping it to the consumer's home. Energy management in water is effectively the tougher challenge to be tackled. For that reason, Baseform provides a unique framework for prioritization of system sectors from an energy usage viewpoint, based on data from network monitoring (flows as well as energy data, if available) and from billing. Baseform's approach to energy analysis follows an energy-balance angle to assist the utility in permanently assessing:

• Automated, consistent estimates for delivered, dissipated, recovered and lost energy, as well as standardized energy efficiency KPI.

• Fully configurable energy metrics libraries for any combination of audit items.

• The ability to jointly prioritize alongside water loss, risk and cost from all other modules of the software.

In water & energy losses management, extracting maximum information and value from monitoring and billing data to get to actionable, fact-based results benefits both operational as well as CIP strategies.

Get in touch to find out how your utility can also benefit from Baseform.

Baseform® é uma marca registrada de BF Software, Lda.
Baseform® é uma marca registrada de BF Software, Lda.