21 Jun 2023

Good analytics are within reach.

Can you afford to defer them?

Many utilities' initial reaction includes one or all of the above. Fortunately a growing number overcome those initial fears – because those three barriers are precisely what pushed us to design Baseform:

(a) To extract useable analytics from whatever data is available (including our Big Data) when data is imperfect or incomplete – try us to see for yourself.

(b) To be ready to use with a minimum of fuss. When the utility doesn't have the resources to develop expertise on its own our software is particularly useful in getting NRW, pipe renewal, I&I, meter changeout and other key processes structured, supported, and under control. We have several clients serving less than 10000 people.

(c) To save you time. Running a utility is a mission-critical job as it is. Baseform is not an IT project. It is a software product that implements quickly gives you results on demand and helps you prioritize that hard-to-find time.

Water losses pipe deterioration infiltration & inflow – only get worse with time as we wait for better data more people more resources.

Einstein once defined 'doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results' as not exactly rational – he did use a harsher word. Decisions need to be made today. Can you afford to defer them?

In utility management getting the numbers right saves time money and water.

Get in touch to find out how your utility can also benefit from Baseform.

Baseform® es una marca registrada de BF Software, Lda.
Baseform® is a registered trademark of BF Software, Lda.