01 Oct 2020

To utilities and society

Baseform is deeply committed to our goal of assisting society in better managing water. Under the current pandemic, that goal takes on a special and urgent meaning.


Contact us to join in.

We are doing our best at Baseform to support society, and we believe that what we are making available can make a real difference to utilities. Naturally, this offer entails some limitations over the full Baseform software and service. It is tailored to a set of specific capabilities that target the above context and can be deployed fast with minimal training and support. We have carefully weighed this so as to provide our best contribution, without hampering in any way the full service that we provide our paying customers. We hope that we can all make this work.

Baseform® é uma marca registada de BF Software, Lda.
Baseform® é uma marca registada de BF Software, Lda.