11 Jan 2023

AMI/SCADA integration boosts event detection

Baseform enables full agnostic integration of any number of smart meter/AMI/AMR systems and SCADA systems, implemented within a few days. Tracking live monitoring data and detecting breaks, leaks, malfunctions and abnormal consumption becomes faster and accurate.

Baseform’s proprietary data syncing tecnology automatically reconciles data continuously received from the multiple IT systems in the utility (see below). It georeferences and integrates on the same monitoring referential all SCADA, billing, AMI/AMR, of any technology. As regards the SCADA and smart meter/AMI/AMR data, being 100% agnostic means that the utility is not bound to one specific technology to fully realise the advantages of integrating both those types of data. It can move much faster in adopting what is available in one given moment without fear of not being able to 'connect everything' in the future if other technologies come into the picture.

This US public utility implements a DMA program as part of their water & energy losses management effort. A growing number of DMAs has been equipped to track down and address breaks and leaks, quantify consumption and manage NRW and the system in a more systematic and efficient way. As part of that strategy, it has selected Baseform for event management, DMA monitoring (including AMI/AMR integration), proactive maintenance and renewal management.

The technology provides a major improvement to the utility, previously unable to take full advantage of these data. From that foundation, it deploys what is the most validated and advanced flow prediction and event detection engine available, based on stochastic as well as machine-learning algorithms, to make it possible to:

  • detect any deviations to the flow predicted at each moment, prefiguring abnormal behavior;
  • automatically measure and accrue the volumes lost in each event, as well as base real losses (from minimum flow), and consumption in its various components, tariffs, etc;
  • continuously update the water balance components in each sector;
  • continuously update NRW, consumption and billing indicators – be it in MGD, kWh, or $.

Conversely, another module of the software processes GIS and work order data and allows for the prediction of mains breaks and break rates, based on the utility’s own data.

This enables the utility to optimize active leak detection, and keep a continuously prioritized list of most likely pipes to break.

The field crews as well as all other personnel have full and continuous visibility to this data, and get break notifications in their mobiles – the same information allows for faster identification of those assets responsible for detected events that do not make themselves visible.

Utility Profile

Population served: 197 100

# clients: 63 270

Total network length (water supply): 1,410 mi

Available data systems:

  • GIS: water supply system
  • SCADA: 4 separate systems, history from 2018
  • Billing: used history from 2018
  • AMI/AMR: used history from 2018
  • Maintenance/work orders: since 1999
  • CRM

Focus of Baseform implementation:

  • Event management
  • Operational response
  • Non-revenue water management
  • Water audit and indicators
  • Preventive maintenance and active leak detection

For further details, we will be pleased to provide utility contact information.

Data leveraged in this case

Baseform’s software is designed to take full advantage of the data that already exists in the utility, depending on each application objective.

The software connects to the available data systems in an automated, non-intrusive and completely secure manner.

In the case of this specific utility and the application described here, data from the systems highlighted below were used.

Data syncing and reconciling

Baseform's proprietary data syncing technology automatically reconciles the data continuously received from the multiple IT systems, georeferencing all features and filling in data gaps such as install dates or pipe materials.

We make it our business to deal with your data so that you can concentrate on the outcomes

Find out how Baseform can help your utility save water, time and money. Request a demo.

Baseform® is a registered trademark of BF Software, Lda.
Baseform® is a registered trademark of BF Software, Lda.