Utility cases
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07 Jul 2024
85% of the real losses volume recovered by this utility is from events detected by the software. Tracking live monitoring data and detecting anomalous events enables faster response, finds more leaks, and automates the accrual of all the key water loss components.
29 Nov 2023
Using the software for meter changeout planning, the utility reached a return on investment that is 3x faster than prioritizing by meter age, with a greater reduction in apparent losses.
11 Jan 2023
Baseform enables full agnostic integration of any number of smart meter/AMI/AMR systems and SCADA systems, implemented within a few days. Tracking live monitoring data and detecting breaks, leaks, malfunctions and abnormal consumption becomes faster and accurate.
21 Jun 2022
Baseform receives live flow monitoring, pumping and other data and automatically detects infiltration and rainfall-derived inflow, tracking down the rainfall volumes that cause them. At this US public utility, this has enabled a target I&I reduction of 10%/yr.
10 May 2022
Planning CIP and renewal by optimizing street-size planning units using our AI-based predictive analytics, this Texas public utility is able to counter an average 3.6%/yr increase in breaks with a 15x investment efficiency, effectively halting deterioration.
24 Feb 2022
Impact quantification for CIP projects in the pipeline allowed this utility to prioritize resources and maximize the number of avoided breaks. The 2 projects at the top of the list are less than 30% of the total, yet will avoid 62% of predicted pipe breaks.
08 Feb 2022
Using existing CCTV inspections together with GIS and contextual data to predict sewer condition across the enables pointing the next inspections to the most critical assets at any moment. This means large gains in ROI and speed of results.
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Baseform® is a registered trademark of BF Software, Lda.