Baseform's SaaS makes available a growing family of apps through each customer deployment. Apps bring together sets of tools that leverage their combined functionality around a specific decisional or engineering process. The platform ensures a consistent user experience and a natural integration of data & results.

Plan: time and space prioritization

Plan: time and space prioritization
Diagnose current system & service; project short- and long-term performance; evaluate intervention alternatives; plan infrastructure expenditure
Compare & Prioritize
AWARE-P-compatible decision-support environment where competing/strategies projects are measured up and prioritized through objectives-guided metrics.
  • Quantification of impacts over the long term
  • Ability to include the most relevant viewpoints
  • Ready to incorporate expert knowledge but engage non-technical decision-makers
  • Defendable decisions are reached through a repeatable, audible and transparent process
Compare & Prioritize
Performance Indicators
A framework for selection and calculation of KPIs based on organised libraries, including industry standards and user-developed libraries.
  • Guided KPI selection process leads to informed, efficient selection.
  • Rigorous PI definitions, base data and units.
  • Required information clearly displayed.
  • Includes reference KPI libraries such as IWA’s..
Performance Indicators
Financial Analysis
Assesses net present value [NPV) and the internal rate of return [IRR) of any financial project from a long-term perspective.
  • A planning tool with the capability to project user-defined investments, costs and revenues over any period of time.
  • A simplified, rapid means to explore the relationship between the duration of a given plan's projected horizon and its NPV and IRR.
Financial Analysis
Infrastructure Value Analysis
Analyses the ageing degree of an infrastructure comprised of any number of assets, and forecasts short- and long-term investment and rehab needs.
  • IVI translates the aging degree of an infrastructure, calculated as the replacement value-weighted average its components’ percental remaining useful life.
  • An effective tool for diagnosing the impact of investment policies on service availability and financial sustainability.
  • Linear and vertical assets with any degree of granularity may be included in the analysis.
Infrastructure Value Analysis
Baseform® is a registered trademark of BF Software, Lda.
Baseform® is a registered trademark of BF Software, Lda.