04 Apr 2023

"What I like about Baseform: it's democratic."

"Everyone across the utility has access to the same data and insights"

This recent quote by Luis Adão of SMAS Almada, one of our utility clients, sums up a key goal of how Baseform was designed – hearing it from one of our users makes us humbly proud.  When we set out to build this software, it was clear that a major hindrance in utilities needed to be overcome: the data, knowledge and decisional silos perpetuated by the existing software, living in functional isolation inside their respective business units.

We designed Baseform so that all those data could be easily synced, reconciled and leveraged without requiring heavy 'integration' – a byword for a long, costly and painful process that often don't even reach their target before new versions of the component software or hardware are released and you need to start again. Baseform Data Sync, our key technology behind this quiet revolution, is what enables the democratization that our user above is talking about.

This is what we propose to our clients: let us handle your data, so that you and the whole of your staff can concentrate on the results.

Get in touch to find out how your utility can also benefit from Baseform.

Baseform® is a registered trademark of BF Software, Lda.
Baseform® is a registered trademark of BF Software, Lda.