19 Apr 2023

Pipe break?

No, municipal pool (how to instantly know).

One of the greatest advantages of Baseform's Data Sync, which instantly reconciles SCADA flows and AMI, is how much faster and more efficient it is to assign probable cause to a detected event.

Case in point: the figure shows a major consumption increase detected in a network sector. Pipe break? A glance at the notification on her cellphone, and the operator almost instantly knows it's not a leak. How?

Step 1) A text of email notification comes in alerting to an abnormally high consumption (dark line on the chart), deviating from the predicted flow (blue line and shaded area).

Step 2) The green line is the aggregated total AMI metered: looks like it's on the customer side.

Step 3) The totals by tariff point to a sports facility (yellow line is the total for municipal sports facilities)

All that remains to be done is to quickly check the plausible candidates: in this case, it was the municipal swimming pool. No need to send out a field crew.

Total: less than a minute, on a mobile phone. Saved the field crew a lot of hunting time.

Magic sauce: none. But Baseform Data Sync, which instantly syncs and combines SCADA and AMI, does help a lot.

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