14 Dec 2023

New R&D dissertation pushes the envelope on event detection.

Find out more about Rita Leite's work.

Baseform's groundbreaking collaboration with Lisbon University's Dept. of Applied Maths and Computation at Inst. Sup.Técnico has produced yet another significant advance in predictive analytics. Rita Leite presented her MSc dissertation, aproved with flying colors, on the topic of Automatic Diagnosis of Events in Water Consumption Time Series, a further sophistication of the ability to detect anomalous behavior in sectorized flow time series deploying techniques such as a dynamic shape similarity measure. Rita's research was supervised by Professor Conceição Amado of IST and by Margarida Azeitona, Baseform's Data Science Lead.

Congratulations to Rita on a very successful project that opens up new avenues in this topic, and contributes to our continuous effort to push the quality of our predictive results.

More details on this work can be found here.

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