UN's World Water Day
Baseform helps manage water for 46 million people and has helped save over two billion m3 of drinking water from being wasted.
Take a look at satellite imagery over the last decades. Anyone can see that glaciers are melting faster than ever. As the planet gets hotter the water cycle becomes more unpredictable. For billions of people meltwater flows are changing causing floods droughts landslides and sea level rise. This is the focus chosen by the UN for this year's World Water Day. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to slow down glacial retreat is the only rational path available to us. Years from now our children will have a hard time understanding why in 2025 we were still so confused about protecting their life on this planet the only viable one we've got. We launched Baseform 10 years ago in the belief that making rational decisions based on available data can help everyone contribute to the crucial goal of managing water sustainably. Ten years later it's good to know that Baseform helps manage water for 46 million people and has helped save over two billion m3 of drinking water from being wasted. No more than a tiny ripple but as the UN suggests many ripples together become a bigger ripple.